Alabama 811 | Know What's Below.

3:30 AM Update

| December 20, 2012 @ 3:21 am

Showers and few rumbles of thunder are moving across Central Alabama this morning. None of which are severe, but there are several areas of heavy downpours. Heavy rain moving through Birmingham, Tuscaloosa and Huntsville. The main severe weather continues to be off to the west, as a very strong line of thunderstorms is crossing the Mississippi River. That activity is still several hours away from impacting Alabama but should get to our western boarder close to 7 AM. There are numerous severe thunderstorms within the line and a few tornado warnings. Damaging winds in the bowing segments will be the greatest threat as the line moves across the state. Also will be watching for small spin-up tornadoes within the line.12-20-2012 3-13-41 AM

Category: Alabama's Weather

About the Author ()

Macon, Georgia Television Chief Meteorologist, Birmingham native, and long time Contributor on AlabamaWX. Stormchaser. I did not choose Weather, it chose Me. College Football Fanatic. @Ryan_Stinnet

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