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WeatherBrains 489: Therapist on Speed Dial

| June 9, 2015 @ 5:15 am

WeatherBrains Episode 489 is now online (June 8, 2015). If you are crazy about weather, this is THE netcast audio program for you!

Tonight’s Guest WeatherBrain is the Chief Meteorologist at KMBC in Kansas City, a position he has held for nearly 30 years. He is a fascinating personality and icon in his market. Bryan Busby, welcome to WeatherBrains.

Other discussions in this weekly podcast include topics like:

  • Extremes: 114 at Death Valley, CA, and 27 at Leadville, CO
  • Marginal severe weather across Southeast & into Mid-Atlantic Region
  • Tropical Atlantic Basin quiet
  • Blanca making landfall on Baja California
  • Big storms in PA and WV with lots of rain
  • Wet in Kansas City, too
  • and more!
  • Our email bag officer dips into the mail bag to review the incoming messages from our listeners.

    From The Weather Center:

    WeatherBrains 101: Radar is one of the most visible tools used by meteorologists in watching and analyzing the atmosphere. So for this edition of 101 we take a look at some of how a radar does its job.

    Listener SurveyListener Surveys: Okay, we continue to drive this topic into the ground, but we really do like to hear from you. Many thanks to everyone who has taken the time to fill out the Listener Survey. The survey takes just a minute or two to complete and provides us with an opportunity to learn where you are and hear your thoughts and comments on the show. Click here to take the survey.

    Web Sites from Episode 489:

    To subscribe to the brand new SkyWritings, an email newsletter from the WeatherBrains gang, click HERE.

    George Global web site

    KMBC-TV Weather web site

    Bryan Busby full bio

    Bryan Busby on 1995 Groundhog Day

    Picks of the Week:

    Brian Peters – Around the World Solar Flight

    John Scala – When Will it Start Raining at Your House

    Kevin Selle – Referral Driven Web

    James Spann – NOAA historical hurricane tracks

    Aubrey Urbanowicz – Coldest June in Sydney

    SkyDavers Blog – The Fog Bank

    The WeatherBrains crew includes your host, James Spann, plus other notable geeks like Nate Johnson, Bill Murray, Aubrey Urbanowicz, Dr. John Scala, Rick Smith, Kevin Selle, and Brian Peters. They bring together a wealth of weather knowledge and experience for another fascinating netcast about weather. graphic

    Category: WeatherBrains

    About the Author ()

    Brian Peters is one of the television meteorologists at ABC3340 in Birmingham and a retired NWS Warning Coordination Meteorologist. He handles the weekend Weather Xtreme Videos and forecast discussion and is the Webmaster for the popular WeatherBrains podcast.

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