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On This Day In Alabama History: Bama Theatre Added To Historic Register

| August 30, 2018 @ 5:00 am

By Alabama NewsCenter Staff

August 30, 1984  

The Bama Theatre in downtown Tuscaloosa opened as a movie theater in 1938, and has also been a home for artistic and musical events and community and school gatherings. While many historic theaters are no longer used and have fallen into decay, the Bama Theatre has thrived as an arts and entertainment venue. Construction on the 1,200-seat theater began in April 1937, and on April 12, 1938, the Bama Theatre opened with a parade led by the University of Alabama’s Million Dollar Band. “Bringing Up Baby,” starring Katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant, was the first movie shown. On Aug. 30, 1984, the Bama Theatre was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Read more at Encyclopedia of Alabama.For more on Alabama’s Bicentennial, visit Alabama 200.

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