Ringling Bros.

Recipe: Chocolate Cutout Cookies with Speckled Easter Egg Decorating Tutorial

| April 11, 2020 @ 4:00 pm

By Kate Wood
Wood and Spoon

Did you enter this period of quarantine with some butter and a hint of creativity? I’m really hoping so, because today I have a festive and kid-friendly Easter cookie tutorial you will love. These chocolate cutout cookies are fairly simple and a great recipe to get your feet wet in the decorating arena with. If you have some free time this week (and let’s be honest, a lot of us have tons lately), this is definitely a treat worth trying out.

Have you seen all the jokes on social media about Quarantine Karen? They basically poke fun at the overachieving Moms who are doing all the things with their kids while out of school during this time. The jokes are comical and rolls eyes at the excessive crafts, homeschooling rituals and Super Mom tendencies that are emerging in the thick of all this home togetherness. The basic gist is that a handful of humans out there are really thriving in the home while others are seriously struggling.

Memes and jokes aside, I want to let you know that it’s OK to be exactly who you are in this season. If you’re really struggling at home — maybe you’re buried under schoolwork, stressed under the circumstances, feeling lonely or slowly going insane with a handful or stir-crazy kids — it’s OK. You can be exactly who you are in this moment, and you’re allowed to grieve and process this new normal in a way that feels healthy for you. On the other hand, if there is grace in your life right now to create and play and achieve and thrive in this season, embrace that too. You don’t need to shrink back or make yourself smaller because an internet full of memes is telling you your personality or abilities are just way too much. You be you. We all have grace in our life for different seasons and settings, and it’s OK to flourish in some and be vulnerably in process in others. Make room for yourself, your friends and the people you rub shoulders with on social media to be exactly who they are, and remember to be kind, to others and especially to yourself. You’re enough exactly how you are.

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