Access for all: Jefferson County Greenways Commission preserves and cares for Alabama region’s greenspaces
By: Jennifer Kornegay
The new Jefferson County Greenways Commission and Foundation ensures the area’s greenspaces remain safe, welcoming and ready for everyone to enjoy.
The acres of forest, miles of trails and abundant greenspaces within Ruffner Mountain, Red Mountain Park and Turkey Creek Nature Preserve in Jefferson County welcome about 400,000 visitors annually. Guests include fresh-air enthusiasts and those beginning to explore the outdoors, such as Melva Tate, who hiked Ruffner Mountain for the ?rst time when she joined its board. “That experience turned me into an outdoors lover,” she says.
The Alabama Weather Blog is pleased to present an excerpt from a featured article in partnership with the Alabama News Center. For the full post including images, videos, and related links, please visit the article HERE.
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