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On The Weather Channel

| March 31, 2010 @ 11:10 pm | 22 Replies

I was on The Weather Channel last night to discuss climate change. You can see the video here.

There is no way I will have enough time in their short segment to share my thoughts, but I do appreciate them having me on the air, and acknowledging that there is a huge debate on the subject. Just a few years ago, they had Heidi Cullen on their air in prime time threatening people like me, saying our AMS certification should be stripped if you didn’t think like she thinks on this issue.

I should note the issue of climate change is now mostly political, and very polarizing. It brings about much emotion, and quite frankly, I go out of my way to avoid the subject since most folks know where I stand. We even have a buzzer now on WeatherBrains, so when the issue comes up we put it back under the covers. There are some serious environmental issues facing our nation, and the entire alarmist “global warming” movement has taken the attention off these issues, which is sad.

As I have always done, I encourage everyone to study both sides of the argument, and make up your own mind. Don’t let politicians, journalists, and anybody making gobs of money from “global warming” begin to sway your opinion. We had Stu Ostro of The Weather Channel on WeatherBrains last year, and he did an excellent job in presenting his side of the story, arguing in favor of AGW (anthropogenic global warming). He has no financial interest in the issue, and was very sincere. I also recommend to read papers from Dr. John Christy, the Alabama state climatologist, who leans in my direction. There is no need to take away our liberty and freedom, and no need for life changing government taxes to solve a problem that simply was not generally caused my man, and cannot be fixed by man. The climate is going to do what it is going to do; all attempts at weather modification over the years have failed miserably.

CO2 is not a pollutant; it is the life blood of the planet. Do we need to dump it into the air on a regular basis for no reason? Of course not. Do we need clean energy? Of course. Will we run out of fossil fuel? Absolutely. I am all for clear air and clean water; who could be against that. But, I am also for humans, and we need to protect our “pursuit of happiness” and prevent mass redistribution of wealth and massive tax burdens to fix something that we didn’t cause.

Even today it was revealed through FOI (Freedom of Information Act) requests that climate data from GISS is poor in quality; see more here. We all know about the CRU situation and “climate gate”.

To read papers that favor my side of the argument, I suggest

To read papers on the other side, try

Again, read, study, and make up your own mind!

Category: Pre-November 2010 Posts

About the Author ()

James Spann is one of the most recognized and trusted television meteorologists in the industry. He holds the AMS CCM designation and television seals from the AMS and NWA. He is a past winner of the Broadcast Meteorologist of the Year from both professional organizations.

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