Alabama 811 | Know What's Below.

3 AM Earl Update

| September 3, 2010 @ 3:09 am | Reply

Hurricane Earl is now a Category Two storm with winds sustained around 105 MPH in the eye wall, but hurricane force winds (74 MPH and higher) extend out about 70 miles from the center. Tropical storm force winds are out 205 miles from the center (39 MPH or higher).

At 3 AM Central, the strongest winds could be found in eastern North Carolina around Cedar Island and Frisco. Here was the NWS Moorehead City’s wind round-up at the top of the hour:

Earl is making a turn to the north-northeast, and although there will not be an official “landfall” in the United States, tropical storm force winds and gusts in the 70 to 90 MPH range will be possible early today in North Carolina’s Outer Banks and again tomorrow morning in eastern Massachusetts, Maine, and into Nova Scotia, Canada. Rough surf is also expected up and down the coast.


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