Alabama 811 | Know What's Below.

More Cold Air Next Week

| December 3, 2010 @ 5:49 am | 12 Replies

An all new edition of the ABC 33/40 Weather Xtreme video is available in the player on the right sidebar of the blog. You can subscribe to the Weather Xtreme video on iTunes by clicking here.

NICE WARM-UP TODAY: Coldest air over Alabama this morning is over the eastern third of the state, where temperatures are generally in the mid to upper 20s. But, the dry air will heat nicely today, and most places will see a high close to 60 degrees this afternoon with a good supply of sunshine. We will stay above freezing tonight as the warming trend continues.

BRING ON THE WEEKEND: A clipper type system will bring some pretty decent snow amounts to cities like Chicago, Indianapolis, and Cincinnati tomorrow, and down here it has the potential to squeeze out a few sprinkles or showers tomorrow afternoon. But, the air will be very dry, and measurable rain isn’t likely. We will rise into the low to mid 60s tomorrow, but much colder air will move back here on Sunday with a high in the upper 40s along with a chilly north wind.

SEC CHAMPIONSHIP: As always, we can promise no rain and light wind for the game, which is tomorrow in Atlanta pitting Auburn against South Carolina. But, outside the Georgia Dome, clouds will increase during the day in Atlanta tomorrow with a high around 60. A few showers are possible tomorrow evening, but nothing really heavy or widespread. Sunday will be dry and colder with a high in the 40s.

COLD AIR BLAST NEXT WEEK: Arctic air rolls into Alabama next week. No rain or snow, but cold weather is the headline. By Tuesday and Wednesday we will struggle to get out of the 30s, and early morning temperatures will drop down toward 20 degrees early Wednesday morning. The colder valleys should easily reach the teens. Then, a slow moderating trend begins Thursday. We note the 00Z GFS hints at some chance of light rain at the end of next week on Friday December 10.

THE LAND OF VOODOO: The Euro hints at a good rain event on Sunday Deccember 12, followed by more very cold air, but the GFS shunts that system to the south with cold air in place into the following week. Later in the month the operational GFS continues to suggest our weather will turn a bit warmer in the December 16-18 time frame. All voodoo, you know…

WEATHER BRAINS: Don’t forget you can listen to our weekly 30 minute netcast anytime on the web, or on iTunes. This is the show all about weather featuring many familiar voices, including our meteorologists here at ABC 33/40.

FOLLOW ALONG: Here are our weather team Twitter accounts….

James Spann Jason Simpson Ashley Brand
J. B. Elliott Bill Murray Brian Peters
Dr. Tim Coleman WeatherBrains Podcast E-Warn (AL wx watches/warnings)

I will be producing only one Weather Xtreme video today… I will be the grand marshall of the annual Clanton Christmas Parade this evening; it begins at 6:00, and I hope to see many of you there. John Oldshue will be covering the TV side at ABC 33/40. I will post a few forecast notes from the road later today. Enjoy the weekend!

Category: Uncategorized

About the Author ()

James Spann is one of the most recognized and trusted television meteorologists in the industry. He holds the AMS CCM designation and television seals from the AMS and NWA. He is a past winner of the Broadcast Meteorologist of the Year from both professional organizations.

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