Alabama 811 | Know What's Below.

From Northeast Alabama

| December 12, 2010 @ 2:18 pm | 7 Replies

We talked about the high terrain of Northeast Alabama possibly getting a dusting to one inch of snow today… here are some shots that show the situation up there. The first image is from ABC 33/40 Skywatcher Vic Bell, who writes…

“Tammy Robison, from the Mt. Vernon area on Lookout Mtn (DeKalb County) took this picture today.
Look closely and you can see a good snow cover on the ground and deck also.”

bunches of snow

And, from a reader in Cherokee County:

“Hi James!
First me and my family would like you to know how very grateful we are for your skill and dedication! You are a very calming presence in our home when the weather gets rough, and you never forget about us up hear in Cedar Bluff/Centre. We are already stressing about what we are going to do when you retire =( Here are a couple of shots I took around lunch, with the dusting of snow sticking…for now. If you can, work your magic and send some more this way!! Thank you again, you are very much appreciated and my family wishes yours a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and blessed New Year!! ”

Snow in Cedar Bluff!


Category: Pictures

About the Author ()

James Spann is one of the most recognized and trusted television meteorologists in the industry. He holds the AMS CCM designation and television seals from the AMS and NWA. He is a past winner of the Broadcast Meteorologist of the Year from both professional organizations.

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