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How May Global Aviation Interests Be On The Cusp Of Revolutionary Changes?

| January 7, 2019 @ 2:30 pm

DISCUSSION: As more and more people find various needs to travel via commercial aviation from around the globe, there is an increased demand for there to be more and more flights offered to various destinations around the world. There is no question that this increased flight demand puts substantial strain on Earth-bound fossil fuel resources which are continuing to be depleted at a greater and greater rate with every passing day, month, and year.  Having said that, in a modern era which we are living in where we have direct access to cutting-edge fuel-based technologies, there is much more that mankind can still do to offset the tremendous environmental impacts which are imposed by global commercial and private aviation. For starters, several airplane manufacturing companies have already begun in earnest with the development of new and innovative aircraft and aircraft engine designs to greatly improve the overall fuel efficiency of various aircraft types.

However, even with the reduction of the impact of commercial and private global aviation flight demands in terms of the net fuel consumption issues, there is still more which can and is starting to be done behind the scenes. For example, as the story attached in the link below reflects, there are several different ways in which global aviation companies and component developers thereof can make further progress in how aviation can evolve as we continue moving further into the 21st century. In light of large amounts of scientists also traveling to global science research conferences around the world on a yearly basis such as the American Meteorological Society’s 99th Annual Meeting being held in Phoenix, Arizona here in the 1st to 2nd week of January here in 2019, this is most certainly a relevant and a hot-button topic without question.

Whether it is developing solar cell-based technologies or water and hydrogen-based fuel technologies, there is a tremendous amount of current and future versatility which will be possible for the continued improvement of mitigating environmental impacts of air travel. Having said that, it is still important to point out the fact that the best way to limit any individual impact to Earth’s global carbon footprint is to limit the amount of flying which is done. When you can, try to utilize other means of travel which have somewhat less of a net carbon impact on planet Earth which is also referenced in a bit greater detail in the article attached below. Having said that, the development of more modern aircraft such as the Airbus A350-900 and newer versions of the Airbus A-330 are most certainly a step in the right direction.

To learn more about this particular article which was courtesy of, click here!

To learn more about other neat aviation topics from around the world, click here!

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