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Upcoming WeatherBrains Guests

| February 21, 2010 @ 11:48 pm | Reply

WeatherBrains is the weekly netcast that is all about weather. Each week, we hear from some of the greatest minds in weather. Here is an upcoming guest list:

February 22 – Social media and weather: Morgan Palmer, Brad Panovich and Nate Johnson.

March 2 – Author Paul Yeager: “Weather Whys, acts, Myths and Oddities”

March 9 – Winter Storm Expert Paul Kocin and Author Kevin Ambrose

March 16 – Emergency Mangers Rob Dale and Jim Zoss

March 23 – Kevin Scharfenberg and Greg Stumpf on the future of severe weather warnings

March 30 – Author Eric Pinder: Among the Clouds

April 6 – Communicating Uncertainty in Weather Forecasts: Jeff Lazo, Rebecca Morss, Julie DeMuth and Gina Eosco

April 13 – Author Randy Cerveny: “Weather’s Greatest Mysteries Solved”

April 20 – Weather Equipment guru Bob Baron

April 27 – Author John Barry: “The Great Mississippi River Flood of 1927”

May 4 – Sheldon Kussellson from NOAA’s Satellite Analysis Branch

May 11 – Former NWA President and Weather Channel Storm Analyst John Scala

May 18 – Folklore Show: Former Guest WeatherBrain Dick Goddard.

May 25 – Bruce Thomas from the Midland Radio Corporation, talking about Weatheradio

Click on the player at the left to listen to show or go to for the archive. You can also have your iPod or iPhone updated each week with the new episode by subscribing at the iTunes Music Store. Just search for “weatherbrains.” It’s free!

Category: Uncategorized

About the Author ()

Bill Murray is the President of The Weather Factory. He is the site's official weather historian and a weekend forecaster. He also anchors the site's severe weather coverage. Bill Murray is the proud holder of National Weather Association Digital Seal #0001 @wxhistorian

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