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Drought Monitor: Francine Brought Some Improvements; Most of Alabama Still Highlighted Though with Abnormally Dry/Drought Conditions

| September 19, 2024 @ 5:30 pm

The U.S Drought Monitor has issued their latest update.  Tropical moisture from Hurricane Francine did help a bit in some areas with the drought conditions. One to locally two-category drought reductions occurred especially where extreme rainfall was seen.  Sadly, some areas saw such extreme rain it led to massive flooding.  Here is this week’s snapshot:

  1. All but 0.84% of the state is still showing abnormally dry or some sort of drought.  The exception should be of no surprise, that is Mobile County.
  2. Big improvement in the extreme drought category.  We went from 42.69% of the state in an extreme drought to now 6,95%.
  3. The abnormally dry category took on a lot of the counties that were under more moderate/sever drought conditions and now 33.46% of the state is under this category.
  4. There is a small area of northern Alabama under extreme drought (D3).  A portion of Limestone County in this as well as Jackson County.
  5. Jefferson County is one that primarily went from Moderate Drought last week to Abnormally Dry this week. Only a wee bit of NE Jefferson County is still under a moderate drought.

Category: Alabama's Weather, ALL POSTS, Severe Weather, Social Media

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Owner of Tornado Talk. Radio broadcast meteorologist with The Storm Report. WeatherBrains Panelist. B.S. Meteorology from Penn State University.

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