350pm CDT Radar Update: Strong to Isolated Severe Storms From Florence, AL to Smithville, MS

| September 24, 2024 @ 3:53 pm

Monitoring closely the storms firing in Northwest Alabama and eastern Mississippi. They continue to move over the same areas and we may begin to see isolated flooding start to form.  There is a severe storm at Smithville, MS. Winds 60-63 kts at 800 feet near Smithville.   That is something to monitor very closely for Lamar and Marion Counties in Alabama. A warning may be needed.

At the MS/AL line near Mingo and Petertown northeast to Red Rock and Woodland, there is some hefty rain falling.  The line continues north of Florence to the TN line.

Category: Alabama's Weather, Archived Warnings, Severe Weather, Social Media

About the Author ()

Owner of Tornado Talk. Radio broadcast meteorologist with The Storm Report. WeatherBrains Panelist. B.S. Meteorology from Penn State University.

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