Alabama 811 | Know What's Below.

Rain Gets Closer To Alabama

| May 12, 2011 @ 5:51 am | 7 Replies

An all new edition of the ABC 33/40 Weather Xtreme video is available in the player on the right sidebar of the blog. You can subscribe to the Weather Xtreme video on iTunes by clicking here.

MOSTLY DRY TODAY: I guess we might consider a slight risk of a shower late today or tonight, but most of Alabama will be dry for one more day as the upper ridge still holds. Summer-like temperatures will continue, with most places reaching the upper 80s this afternoon with a partly sunny, hazy sky.

TO THE WEST: Strong to severe storms are possible today over the eastern half of Texas, north through parts of Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Missouri as a cold front over the nation’s mid-section slowly moves east; SPC maintains a slight risk of severe weather for this region this afternoon and tonight.

TOMORROW: We will bring in a chance of showers and storms tomorrow, with the best chance coming during the afternoon and nighttime hours. SPC has the extreme northwest corner of Alabama in a slight severe weather risk, but again I simply don’t expect any significant severe weather issues with limited instability and basically no low level helicity. The stronger storms could produce some hail and gusty winds, however. It won’t rain all day, and the sun could very well be out at times with a high in the low 80s.

THE WEEKEND: The GFS continues the idea of a “double barrel” upper low; the first segment moves through the state on Saturday, meaning a good chance of showers as we begin the weekend. Again, no all-day kind of rain, but if you have something planned outdoors, you will have to dodge raindrops from time to time. There could be some thunder, and a little hail could be possible from the stronger convection due to the cold air aloft. The high Saturday will drop into the upper 70s.

Sunday looks relatively dry as the first chunk of the upper low moves east; still we will mention some risk of scattered showers during the afternoon hours. The cooling trend continues, with a high only in the low 70s Sunday afternoon.

NEXT WEEK: The final part of the ULL arrives Monday, and we will mention a chance of showers. The air aloft will be very cold, and some of the heavier showers might even produce a little hail, even with no thunder or lightning. And, we will struggle to reach 70 degrees. Tuesday will be dry and warmer, and that trend continues for the rest of the week with highs back in the 80s by Thursday and Friday.

LONG RANGE: Still no sign of any serious severe weather threat for the next 10-15 days… see the Weather Xtreme video for more long range/voodoo land ideas.

FOLLOW ALONG: Here are our weather team Twitter accounts….

James Spann Jason Simpson Ashley Brand
J. B. Elliott Bill Murray Brian Peters
Dr. Tim Coleman WeatherBrains Podcast E-Warn (AL wx watches/warnings)

WEATHER BRAINS: Don’t forget you can listen to our weekly 90 minute netcast anytime on the web, or on iTunes. This is the show all about weather featuring many familiar voices, including our meteorologists here at ABC 33/40.

I have a weather program today in Gadsden at Eura Brown Elementary… be looking for the next Weather Xtreme video here by 3:30 this afternoon. Enjoy the day!


Category: Alabama's Weather

About the Author ()

James Spann is one of the most recognized and trusted television meteorologists in the industry. He holds the AMS CCM designation and television seals from the AMS and NWA. He is a past winner of the Broadcast Meteorologist of the Year from both professional organizations.

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