Alabama 811 | Know What's Below.

Arctic Front Getting Closer

| January 5, 2014 @ 8:59 am

Quick update on the Arctic front. The best way to see the current location of the front is to look at the surface temperature map across the U.S. As we do this, we can see the extent of the cold air behind the front.

Temperatures across the Midwest are well below zero this morning. Some reading across the Minnesota are 30-40 degrees below zero. That very cold air mass is plunging south behind the front and will grip most of the eastern half of the U.S .

So where is the front currently? As we look for the greatest temperature gradient, we can see it through central Illinois, southeastern Missouri, northwestern Arkansas and eastern Texas. Temperatures in Central Arkansas are in the mid-50s at Little Rock, behind the front in Fayetteville in the northwest corner of the state, the current temperature is 19. These are the types of temperatures swings we will see in Alabama later today.

We do note that there is a surge of warmer air ahead of the front, and there are showers ongoing and we could see a few thunderstorms in this warm sector. That surge of warm air will spread east ahead of the front and we will see our temps into the mid-50s by later this afternoon. As we are seeing across Arkansas, rapid temperature drops are on their way to Alabama this evening.

1-5-2014 8-34-37 AM

Category: Alabama's Weather, Winter Weather

About the Author ()

Macon, Georgia Television Chief Meteorologist, Birmingham native, and long time Contributor on AlabamaWX. Stormchaser. I did not choose Weather, it chose Me. College Football Fanatic. @Ryan_Stinnet

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