Alabama 811 | Know What's Below.

Another Freeze Tonight; Much Warmer Later This Week

| March 20, 2023 @ 3:04 pm

SUNNY, COOL AFTERNOON: Temperatures are mostly in the 47-55 degree range across Alabama with a good supply of sunshine through high, thin cirrus clouds. The average high for Birmingham on March 20 is 68. And, despite the fact that spring arrives this afternoon (the equinox comes at 4:24p CDT), another freeze is likely for much of the state tonight. We project lows early tomorrow generally in the 25-35 degree range, and a freeze warning is in effect for much of the state once again.

WARMING TREND: Temperatures tomorrow rise well into the 60s with a partly sunny sky. The weather stays dry Wednesday and Thursday, and the warming trend continues. The high Wednesday will be in the 70s, and most places will see low 80s Thursday.

FRIDAY: The day Friday will be warm and dry with a high in the low 80s, but a cold front will push an organized band of showers and thunderstorms into the state Friday night and early Saturday morning. SPC has areas north and west of Birmingham in a severe weather risk Friday night in their “Day 5” outlook…

For now it looks like the main risk to severe storms will come from 10:00 p.m. Friday through 6:00 a.m. Saturday. Most likely this will be a linear event with the main threat coming from strong winds, but an isolated tornado can’t be ruled out. The main limiting factor will be the lack of surface based instability, but we really won’t know the magnitude of the threat until later this week.

THE ALABAMA WEEKEND: Rain ends early Saturday, and the sky will clear later in the day with a high in the 70s. Sunday looks dry and mild with a high also in the 70s.

NEXT WEEK: A disturbance will bring the risk of showers Monday and Tuesday, followed by dry weather for the latter half of the week. Highs will be mostly in the 70s… See the video briefing for maps, graphics, and more details.

Many want to know if we are finished with freezing temperatures after tomorrow morning. We see no evidence of a freeze through the rest of March, but understand my advice remains the same every year… I would wait until April 15 to plant anything that might be harmed by a freeze. We usually have at least one significant cold snap during the first half of April.

ON THIS DATE IN 1905: A tornado estimated at F3 strength moved through parts of Chambers and Randolph counties in East Alabama; nine were killed.

ON THIS DATE IN 1998: A deadly tornado outbreak occurred over portions of the southeastern United States. Particularly hard hit were rural areas outside of Gainesville, Georgia, where at least 12 people were killed during the early morning hours. The entire outbreak killed 14 people and produced 12 tornadoes across three states. The town of Stoneville, North Carolina, hard hit by the storms.

BEACH FORECAST: Click here to see the AlabamaWx Beach Forecast Center page.

Look for the next video briefing here by 6:00 a.m. tomorrow…

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About the Author ()

James Spann is one of the most recognized and trusted television meteorologists in the industry. He holds the AMS CCM designation and television seals from the AMS and NWA. He is a past winner of the Broadcast Meteorologist of the Year from both professional organizations.

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