Alabama NewsCenter — 6 fan-favorite restaurants to visit while in Auburn this football season

| September 24, 2023 @ 10:00 am

By: Eric Velasco

The pieces have been coming together for Auburn’s food scene over the last dozen years, as visionary chefs put down deep roots and the talent pool widens from the university’s brand-new culinary and hospitality education and training center.

Chef-driven restaurants Acre (2013), The Depot (2015) and Lucy’s (2018) have earned national and regional attention for Auburn in food and travel circles. The whiskey list at The Hound (2012) rivals any big-city counterpart.

The new Tony and Libba Rane Culinary Science Center is training future dining professionals in both back-of-house and front-of-house jobs by blending classroom, laboratory and hands-on experience at an in-house restaurant and sommelier program, a café, a hotel and other businesses serving the public.

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