Alabama 811 | Know What's Below.

Big Warm-Up Today; Wet Weekend Ahead

| February 7, 2024 @ 5:35 am

DRY THROUGH TOMORROW: With a mostly sunny sky, temperatures rise into the 60s again this afternoon across Alabama, with potential for low 70s near the Gulf Coast. The weather will stay dry tomorrow with another pleasant afternoon.

On Friday, clouds will increase, and a band of showers will likely drop into North Alabama late in the day and into Friday night ahead of a cold front. The front will become stationary across the state, and that will set the state for a wet weekend.

THE ALABAMA WEEKEND: Waves of rain and a few thunderstorms will move across Alabama Saturday and Sunday. The weather will stay mild with highs in the 67-72 degree range. Rain lingers into Monday as a surface low passes just north of the state. With good dynamic support, a few strong thunderstorms are very possible, but with very limited surface based instability the chance of severe storms looks low at this point.

Rain amounts of 2-3 inches are likely across much of Alabama Friday night through Monday, and this will effectively knock out the rest of the drought.

REST OF NEXT WEEK: The weather looks dry across Alabama Tuesday through Friday with seasonal temperatures; highs in the 50s and low in the 30s. And we should note global models suggests we could be setting up for yet another wet weekend February 17-18… See the video briefing for maps, graphics, and more details.

LONG RANGE: The latest 8-14 day outlook from CPC suggests temperatures will be below average across the Deep South in the period from February 14-20, but there is no way to know the depth of the cold air at this point.

ON THIS DATE IN 1835: A Great Freeze took place from February 2-9 across southern Georgia, southeastern South Carolina, and northern Florida. During this freeze, the St. Johns River was frozen, “several rods from the shore,” and people were able to walk a distance from the shore. Many citruses and other fruit trees were killed to the ground, never to grow again, when temperatures reached as low as 1ºF in Charleston and 8ºF in Jacksonville.

ON THIS DATE IN 2018: Six short lived tornadoes, all EF-0 or EF-1, touched down across Central Alabama. An EF-1 moved through Gallion and Faunsdale in Marengo causing some structural damage.

Look for the next video briefing here by 3:00 this afternoon… enjoy the day!

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About the Author ()

James Spann is one of the most recognized and trusted television meteorologists in the industry. He holds the AMS CCM designation and television seals from the AMS and NWA. He is a past winner of the Broadcast Meteorologist of the Year from both professional organizations.

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