Alabama 811 | Know What's Below.

A Chill In The Air By The Weekend

| February 8, 2012 @ 2:27 pm

**No afternoon Weather Xtreme video today due to travel**

COOLER TOMORROW; EVEN COLDER THIS WEEKEND: Our weather will be trending colder in coming days. Nothing extremely cold for February, but certainly colder than the mild weather we have enjoyed in recent weeks.

The first shot of cooler air drives tonight; we will be very close to freezing by daybreak tomorrow. The high tomorrow will be in the mid 50s, followed by upper 50s. The sky will be partly to mostly sunny both days.

OUR WEEKEND: The next cold front arrives Friday night. The air will be very dry, but like last night’s short wave, we might see a few sprinkles or patches of light rain. Really nothing significant. Then, colder air arrives for the weekend. We are projecting highs in the 45 to 50 degree range both Saturday and Sunday, and we should be down in the mid 20s both Sunday and Monday morning, with potential for upper teens and low 20s for the colder valleys. The chilly air will be dry and we expect a mostly sunny sky both days.

NEXT WEEK: The next rain event is shaping up for Monday night, Tuesday, and possibly Wednesday. The 12Z GFS is even hinting that some thunderstorms could be involved by Wednesday, but the ECMWF holds that off until Thursday. Way too early to be specific.

STORM ALERT 2012: Our annual severe weather awareness tour rolls along… we will be in Phil Campbell tomorrow night at Shoals-Northwest Community college. We begin at 6:30, but be sure and get there early for a good seat. There is no charge, of course…

NEED HELP WITH YOUR WEATHER RADIO? We will be at various locations around Alabama programming NOAA Weather Radio receivers as we approach the spring tornado season. I will be at the Publix on GreenSprings Avenue in Homewood this afternoon from 3:30 until 7:00 p.m… come on down and say hello.

WEATHER BRAINS: Don’t forget you can listen to our weekly 90 minute netcast anytime on the web, or on iTunes. This is the show all about weather featuring many familiar voices, including our meteorologists here at ABC 33/40.

CONNECT: You can find me on all of the major social networks…

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I had a great time today visiting with the kids at Phillips High School in Bear Creek…. look for the next Weather Xtreme video here by 7:00 a.m. tomorrow….


Category: Alabama's Weather

About the Author ()

James Spann is one of the most recognized and trusted television meteorologists in the industry. He holds the AMS CCM designation and television seals from the AMS and NWA. He is a past winner of the Broadcast Meteorologist of the Year from both professional organizations.

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